
What is the Women's Network?

events news Social subu Womens network



Lottery Winners' Thom: "I would be Paul, John and George and the others would be Ringo!"

Bournemouth Entertainment The Lottery Winners Thom Rylance

INTERVIEW with Poole Sleeping Beauty panto star Chris Jarvis

CBeebies Entertainment Pantomime Sleeping Beauty

Doctor Who's Peter Purves bringing Charles Dickens to Wimborne

Christmas Doctor Who Entertainment Wimborne

Nerve Radio wins big at Student Radio Associations awards
A group pose in a line in front of the O2 in London

Bournemouth University Entertainment Nerve Radio Student Radio Association



Valentine's Day
Silhouettes and icons representing Valentines

Lifestyle students Valentines


In the approach up to Christmas, motivation dwindles away, and we indulge on yummy food. As January approaches lots of us start to think about our resolutions and ways to better ourselves, with the most popular resolution being the aim to be healthier.
42% of gym membership sign-ups are in January, over half of those are unused after only 24 weeks.

Lifestyle New Years Fitness Resolutions Now



Reduce Reuse Restyle: Guide to Second-Hand Sustainability

Sat 09 Mar 2024

Reduce, Reuse, Restyle in writing with pictures of clothes

Climate Action Fashion students

What to wear on a Winter night out

Mon 06 Dec 2021

Do you need some guidance on how to style your winter clothes for a night out? This article gives you all the ideas and tips to look dressy and warmer for the colder nights!

Fashion Now

How Gen Z is changing fashion

Tue 16 Nov 2021

Fashion Now Sustainability



Ballroom’s Blackpool success

Bournemouth’s Ballrom and Latin Dance Society now has new National Champions after travelling to the home of Ballroom and Latin for their latest competition.

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The Evolution of James Bond

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