
The Buddy Scheme

Welcome to the SUBU Buddy Scheme

The Buddy Scheme is a non-academic, peer to peer support scheme coordinated by SUBU (Students' Union at Bournemouth University) that aims to help groups of new students settle into life at university and in Bournemouth.

We understand that coming to university can be quite daunting, and it can sometimes be challenging to strike up new friendships and settle in. Often it can help to speak to someone who has done it all before, and that's exactly why we've set up this scheme. 

We match up new students (Buddies) with continuing students (Buddy Volunteers) who can share their hints and tips to help you feel at home in Bournemouth. 

Buddy Scheme FAQs

The Buddy Scheme

The International Buddy Scheme is back! The Scheme is there to support new students through the beginning of their BU journey. The scheme will match up an existing student (the Buddy Lead) with a group of new students (the Buddies).

The Buddy Lead will then go through a fun and engaging four-week programme with their Buddies. This programme will teach them all the tips and tricks they need to know about life at BU and better equip them for the rest of their University journey. If you have any questions about the scheme, please get in touch with us at

Please note: Spaces in the Scheme are limited so while we will do our best we cannot guarentee that every applicant will be accepted

Current International Buddy Scheme participants can find the Scheme Handbook here.

Become a Buddy!

Are you a new student at BU? Having spoken to many students over the past couple of years, we are aware of how difficult adjusting to university life can be. By connecting you with a group of other students (your fellow Buddies) and assigning you a Buddy Lead, you will have access to someone from day one who has already been there and done it and be linked up with other new students. If selected, your Buddy Lead will actively support you through an exciting four-week programme and be a friendly face throughout the rest of the year. They will share with you all the best tips and tricks for having a great experience at BU!

Benefits of becoming a Buddy include:

  • A smoother transition when adjusting to university life, reducing stress, and boosting mental health.
  • Making the transition to a new environment, new town and country, and new housing less stressful.
  • Feeling a sense of community, with the opportunity to socialise with your fellow Buddies.
  • Access to exclusive Buddy Scheme events.
  • Decreasing social isolation, homesickness, and student loneliness.
  • Developing more confident communication skills.
  • Discovering all Bournemouth has to offer quickly and with a friendly face.

Applications close Wednesday 5th February at 11:59pm.

Become a Buddy!

Become a Buddy Lead!

By choosing to become a Buddy Lead you will become a vital component in the transition period for new students, whilst gaining employability and transferable skills. When speaking to new students, we have found that many have struggled with loneliness and to adjust to University life. As you will remember from your own experiences, the first year at university can at times be daunting. Settling into university life can be especially difficult when starting in January.

As a Buddy Lead, you will help a group of new students settle into life at Bournemouth University. You will run weekly meet-ups for four weeks, promoting the events and being a friendly face to your Buddies throughout the year. The Scheme is incredibly rewarding and only requires a commitment of 1-2 hours per week. If selected, you will receive further information and training from SUBU in order to ensure you can complete the role to the best of your ability.

Benefits of becoming a Buddy Lead include:

  • Making your CV stand out by participating in a vital student-support project - making you unique when entering the job market.
  • Getting invited to exclusive Buddy Scheme events.
  • Getting your very own Buddy Scheme hoodie.
  • Developing cultural awareness, communication, leadership, and support skills.
  • Socialising with and getting to know other Buddy Leads.
  • Feeling a sense of achievement by helping others and by being part of an exciting support programme.

In order to be a Volunteer you must meet the following conditions:

  • Be a current and continuing student at Bournemouth University.
  • Be available on campus throughout the spring term (e.g. not on a placement year or year abroad).
  • Have a passion for building a community and demonstrate patience and consideration of diversity.
  • Demonstrate good communication and listening skills.

Applications close Sunday 19th January at 11:59pm.

Volunteer as an International Buddy Lead!

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I cannot answer my Buddy's question?

Please note that a Buddy Scheme Volunteer is not qualified or responsible to give advice on mental wellbeing, healthcare, housing, or immigration related help. Buddy Scheme Volunteers should use their training to sign post their Buddies to the appropriate BU or SUBU support service.

Do I have to socialise with my Buddies outside of the programme?

You may choose to become involved in social activities with your Buddies outside of your usual weekly meet-ups however the programme does not require anyone to do so.

My Buddy Scheme Volunteer isn't speaking to me, what do I do?

If you have contacted your Buddy Scheme Volunteer and not heard anything back, contact us at and we'll see what we can do to help.

What if I no longer want to be part of the Buddy Scheme?

It is completely fine to decide that you no longer want to continue with the Buddy Scheme. All we ask is that you do not ignore your Buddy. Simply email us at to let us know that you want to be removed from the scheme. We will re-match your Buddy and may ask you for feedback too.

I still have questions about the Buddy Scheme, who do I contact?

The Buddy Scheme is coordinated by SUBU. We're located in the Student Centre on Talbot Campus. You can drop-in and speak to us from 10:00-16:00, Monday to Friday, all year round (except Bank Holidays and University Close Days). Alternatively you can email us at