

Download the SUBU Articles

The Articles of Association outlining how SUBU is run is here


View SUBU's Bye-laws

The bye-laws set out how the Union should work, the rules that govern how we do business and cover a range of regulations from elections to clubs and societies.

Ratified July 2024


Code of Conduct and Complaints

Member Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Policy

Complaints Policy and Procedure

If you wish to make a complaint please use this form and send to


We are run by both students and full-time staff and are headed up by four full time elected officers. For 2023/24 these are:


President - Chike Dike
VP Student Opportunities - Holly Tyack
VP Education - Norah Valerie Deka
VP Welfare & Community - Fatima Farha

These officers were elected by the students of BU in our annual elections. Their sole purpose is to represent the best interests of the student body. They work on a personal, local and national level to promote Bournemouth students, and hold the university to account on issues that directly affect students.