
AAEM Campaign

Asian, Arab & Ethnic Minority Network

Black Students Campaign

Black Students Network

LGBTQ+ Campaign

LGBTQ+ Network

SWD Campaign

Disabilities, Accessibility and Neuro-Diverse Network

Trans & NB Campaign

Trans, Non-Binary, Intersex, and Gender Identity + Network

Womens Campaign

Women's Network


Our six Liberation Networks are run by students, for students. The Liberation Networks are a space for marginalised communities to gather, create communities and promote intersectionality. Throughout the year they will run campaigns to promote change at SUBU, BU and beyond. They are each led by a Liberation Officer, who is also a Part-Time Officer at the Union.

The Networks are free to join and all students who self-identify are automatically part of their relevant communities. To self-identify, visit your relevant Liberation Network page and use the self-identify options on the page.


Your 2024/25 Officers





Asian, Arab & Ethic Minority Officer

Godswill Udo

Godswill Udo


Black Students' Officer

Andrew Carter

Andrew Carter


Disabilities, Accessibility & Neuro-Diverse Officer

Rhys Smith

Rhys Smith


LGBTQ+ Officer


Elm Murphy


Trans, Non-Binary, Intersex, and Gender Identity + Officer

Mia Evans

Mia Evans


Women's Officer


Key Aims


  • Connect students by creating friendships in a safe and welcoming community

  • Collaborate with other Liberation Networks to raise awareness and educate

  • Highlight current issues and empower students to act collectively to create change

  • Hold the Students' Union and University to account by challenging discrimination and making sure they act with equality

  • Mark national awareness campaigns


Liberation Officer Hub

If you are a Liberation Officer, you can find everything you need to know for your role via our Liberation Officer Hub!

Liberation Officer Hub


Graduate Skills +

Taking part in this SUBU extra curricular activity counts towards the BU Graduate Skills Plus Award; designed to give you a structured way to develop and articulate the employability skills you gain whilst at BU. More information at