

All SUBU elections should be free and fair, which is why we have regulations which govern our elections. Every student should be aware of the election regulations as well as knowing how they can make a complaint if they feel a regulation has been broken.



The guiding principles of all SUBU elections are:

1. Candidates shall conduct themselves in accordance with the Election Regulations, Union and University Policy, and the Law.

2. Students must be free to cast their vote without undue pressure or influence

3. Candidates must treat other candidates, students, staff and members of the public with respect

4. Candidates must not undermine the fair and democratic running of elections

5. Candidates must not do anything to gain an unfair advantage

6. Candidates must respect the campus environment and the community


View the 2024/2025 Full-Time Officer Election Rules and Regulations Here


Election Complaints

Before submitting a complaint, please read the full Rules and Regulations in the document linked above, please also read the full complaints process within.