Book Swap


Do you have pre-loved course books you no longer use?

SUBU has opened our sustainable BOOK SWAP!



In the community kitchen, 2nd floor, SUBU Student centre


Book Swap Guidelines:

Available for BU students to bring and collect course books that you need or no longer have use for.


Your steps in contributing to the book swap:

  1. Bring your pre-loved academic books that you no longer have use for
  2. Feel free to take books relevant to you
  3. If the donation shelf is full, please speak to a member of staff (1st Floor, Reception)
  4. Enjoy studying
  5. Repeat!



To donate the books to SUBU’S Sustainable Book Swap, please call the Students’ Union on 01202 965 765.

Alternatively, you can drop off any books at Reception (1st Floor) at the SUBU Student Centre at Talbot Campus, BH12 5BB.