
Democracy Events

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Thu 26th September

Students' Union Fair
11am - 3pm
Bournemouth Gateway Building - Ground Floor
Want to learn more about what the Students' Union can do for you? SUBU has something for everyone. Come and meet some of our brilliant staff and start your SUBU journey!

Tue 8th October

Cheese & Wine with your Full-Time Officers
5pm - 7pm
Bournemouth Gateway Building - BG301
Come and join your elected Full-Time Officers for a relaxed evening of cheese, wine and other non-alcoholic refreshments.

Tue 26th November

SUBU Summit
6pm - 8:30pm
Your opportunities to discuss student ideas, set union policy, find out what your full time officers have been up to and hold them to account.

Thu 13th February

SUBU Summit
6pm - 8:30pm
Your opportunities to discuss student ideas, set union policy, find out what your full time officers have been up to and hold them to account.

Tue 29th April

SUBU Summit
6pm - 8:30pm
Your opportunities to discuss student ideas, set union policy, find out what your full time officers have been up to and hold them to account.
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