Why Join Us?

1) Alternating Weekly Socials (including a halloween and christmas party)

2) Movie nights

3) Occasional lectures

4) Practical workshops (Flint knapping, Roman banquet...)

5) Field trips (London museum, Stonehenge...) 


What do we do?

The Arch and Anth society is a group for social activities, trips, workshops and lab sessions and guest lectures, open to anyone with an interest in Archaeology, History or Anthropology.

Our typical activities include weekly Thursday socials, which have an alternate between Buffalo, Zephyr, and clubbing week on week; movie nights where we book out a lecture hall and watch some archaeological classics like Indiana Jones and The Mummy; and if the weather seems fit we hope to put on some practical workshops to make your own flint tools or experience an authentic roman banguet!

We strive to provide the most insightful and exciting entertainment we can with an equal balance of practical and theoretical activities.

The society provides academic support for Archaeology students and related subjects with society members being a mixture of PAL leaders and more experienced academics allowing for skill sharing and communication across the years, the society intends to be a safe and comfortable space for those who are just as fascinated in the past as we are. 

Make friends. Ask for help. Learn alongside us. Have fun.  

For any questions about anything please email our secretary via their student email.


Key Events

Dates to be announced:

Halloween Social 30th October

Experimental Archaeology Workshops at Hengistbury Head 25th October

Annual Christmas Party 11th December

British Museum Trip (TBA)

Roman Banquet (TBA)


When and Where?

Larger Events will be posted on our social media and emailed around to members,

Weekly socials will be held at Zephyr, Buffalo respectively


Meet the Committee

President: George Tillotson

Vice President: Caoimhe Irvine

Secretary: Lewis Binnie 

Treasurer: Tom Shaw




  • British museum trip£15.00

