Weekly meetings: TBC until October 2024

Why join us?

Step aboard a linguistic journey with us! We’re a vibrant community passionate about language learning. Here’s why you should join us:

  • Community Collaboration: Freely exchange tips, tricks and strategies for learning languages. Regardless of language level, there’s always something to learn from our diverse enthusiasts.
  • Learning Spaces: Wanted to practise a language but struggled finding the right environment? Well look no further! Our society offers room bookings for language learning upon request.
  • Inclusive Environment: Building confidence to speak new languages can be daunting, especially when facing native speakers. That’s why we prioritise inclusivity by providing a supportive atmosphere for everyone to feel empowered to practise.
  • Goal-Oriented Support: Your language goals are important to us. Regardless of your goal, our society is here to support you. With our collective expertise and encouragement, you’ll achieve your aspirations.
  • Join Us and Lead: Become an opt-in volunteer, guiding fellow members with your linguistic expertise as a native or intermediate speaker of any given language.
  • Languages of Interests: Currently, our society covers a wide range of languages including, but not limited to: Cantonese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian & Portuguese), Spanish, Thai, and more to come. (If you're interested in any other language or even sign language, we would love to add them to our roster!)


What's the difference in memberships?

Everyone(non-members included) is invited to our Monthly socials, the more the merrier!

Free Membership

It’s completely free, the only reason it’s there is so we have you officially on our books.

  • You get access to our Discord server and WhatsApp community general chat spaces.
  • Your language learning access:
  • Weekly meetings, these are our general meetings for tips and tricks and mingling.
  • Buddy exchange system, where you get paired with someone who is either interested or fluent in your language of interest and vice versa.

Standard Membership

It's only £2.50, you get everything from the "Free Membership" plus:

  • You get “upgraded” access to our Discord server and WhatsApp community language chats.
  • Your language learning access:
  • Teams Channel, where you will have access to uploaded resources.
  • Tutoring sessions, this is where you can join any class put on by members who volunteer their expertise to lead a group.

When and Where?

Weekly meetings

Mondays @ 17:30 - 19:30 in PG22 (Poole House Ground Floor, not Poole Gateway Building)

Class timetables

Classes will begin to appear once there's a big enough interest in a specific language.

Meet the Committee

Li McKenzie
Skye Chow
Vice President
Ollie Robinson
Communications Officer
Lin, Tzu-Han
Charlie Birt
Events & H&S Officer
Aya Hayashi
Social Media Officer

The Gallery



