Why Join Us?
  • Learn something new, and that can benefit you "IRL": Improve your general security hygiene, or even learn how to do ethical hacking!
  • Meet real-life "hackers" and security experts: We have excellent connections with industry and aim to regularly bring in security professionals to deliver workshops and guest talks
  • Team up with other members to take part in hackathons and ctf's
  • Non computer based social events!
  • Members of all abilities, backgrounds and disciplines welcome - there's something for everyone.
What do we do?
  • We have regular sessions with our members on a variety of computing and cyber security skills, delivered by committee members, industry leaders and the occasional guest lecturer.
  • We host socials where members meet up and take part in activities decided on by the members.
  • You can put your newly learned skills to the test in the university labs, where we build our own virtual infrastructure and challenges for you to practice on.
  • We run regular cyber security and computing competitions such as Capture the Flag events with prizes.
  • Outside of the university, we actively work with local businesses, schools and the public to promote awareness of key cyber security issues - it's a great way to give back to the community and we encourage you to be a part of it!
  • We're not all work though! We also host a series of socials and trips over the course of the year (including national/international competitions) - so if you want to embrace your inner Mr Robot, this is the society for you.
ZeroDays 2018 3rd Place Winners "Team Disappointment"
Jamie Morden
Levi Rockwell-Jones
Vice President
Matt Gee
Russell Zarandin
Oliver Richardson
Health & Safety
Ben Brady
Techincal Officer
Archie Hancock
Events Manager
Gernot Liebchen



