Why this society is critical for finance and business students

Cv is looking empty? Want to start networking for the future?

Maybe finance society can offer you more than just a place on your cv for attending live speakers of actual individuals in the line of work. 

Finance society is about bringing what most universities around the country have to Bournemouth. 

The society aims to connect local businesses and students by expanding students' awareness of the industry and giving them valuable insights.

We all know career advisors drill in the importance of work experience and volunteering but most miss the importance of just stating that you attended finance society in the university which will clearly show you..."Action Verb" ;).. about finance or business. It's 2022 we all know about stonks and crypto sure there's going to be a drizzle of these segments in the society but we strongly encourage you to think about the academic and professional benefits you will gain from just having this on your cv. Most students don't know how far their student email address goes in accessing some pretty powerful resources...That's why we are here.

£1 is priceless and gives you access to valuable speakers and the claim of being in the finance society at Bournemouth university!

The Finance Committee

President: Ross Thompson

Secretary: Lili-mae Guest

Treasurer: Carter Aldrichh



