Here's Why You Should Join Us! 

1) Frequent Jams:

  • Regular Game Jams
  • 3D Modelling
  • Level Design
  • Programming
  • + Others!

Paid Members of the Society gain free entry to all Game Jams for the rest of the academic year! (£1 Entry Fee without)

>> New Years 2024 Game Jam! (January 22nd - 25th) 

>> Re-Fresher's Game Jam (Friday 9th - Monday 12th)

>> Art & Design Jam (Friday 12th - Wednesday 17th)

Head over to our Discord to find out more regarding When & Where!

2) Collabs with other Societies

  • Gamers Society
  • CEES (Central Eastern European Society)

3) Casual Meetups / Events

  • First Society Social | Dylan's Bar, Friday 1st December @5pm!
  • BUCSS (BU Computing, Cyber Security Society) Guest Speaker | Game Hacking | Shelley Lecture Theatre, Wednesday 6th December @1pm
  • Boom Battle Bar (TBA Promotion Discount) 

4) Workshop Classes

  • C++ in Unreal Engine (Peter Allen, Games Design Demonstrator)
  • Shaders in Unity (Michael Smith, Games Design Demonstrator)

5) More Industry Guests!

  • Larian Studios, Leah Caldwell (Cinematic Animation Producer), Jack Surman (Cinematics Production Intern) and MORE >>February 26th 2024<<
  • Cosmara Games, Michael Melim (Founder and previous student here at BU) >>April 26th 2024<<

Meet your Committee!

President:  Nick Speedie

Communications:  Joel Basham

Treasurer:  Darius Cirstean

Equipment & Events:  N/A 

Health & Safety Officer: Tomasz Klebek





