Why Join Us?

1) Connect with like-minded, non-judgemental, welcoming individuals.

2) Learn more about Paganism, witchcraft and yourself. Develop spiritually and emotionally and learn to live in tune with nature.

3) Have fun and create amazing memories with a diverse and magical family.


Who are we?

PAWs is a diverse and welcoming society of Pagans, witches, and those interested in learning more about Paganism, witchcraft and spirituality. Although our members follow a variety of paths, we are always respectful of each other's differing views, accepting and supporting one another no matter what, just like one big, eccentric family!

*While our membership cost is low and just covers materials for events as we wish our practice to be accessible to all, we understand that in difficult times £5 can be a lot of money. We have always offered reduced membership to those in financial difficulties but in light of the current economy, we are promoting this scheme. If you can't afford it, no worries! Simply chat with us and you can either lend a hand making merch (material provided) or help us run one of our fundraiser stalls in lieu of a membership fee.


What do we do?

Our society aims to celebrate all Pagan festivals, including the solstices, equinoxes and fire festivals of the Wheel of the Year, the Norse blots and Roman/Greek festivals, as well as a large range of other celebrations from a variety of beliefs. We love to share knowledge about the history, culture, mythology, pantheon and practices of different Pagan faiths and Witchcraft paths.

Our regular events include:

  • Astrology nights learning about our natal charts and watching seasonal astronomical events,
  • Divination sessions where you learn practically to read tarot, runes, tea leaves, pendulums, auras, and palms.
  • Practical magic and craft nights where you can plant and learn about herbs, get stuck into kitchen witchcraft, and make things such as wands, wreaths, besoms, smoke cleansing bundles, and crystal jewellery. 
  • Crystal sessions coving using in practice, cleansing, programming, charging, and more. 
  • Mythology sessions where we share the ancient lore and practices from a variety of pagan cultures through traditional stories.
  • Celebrations for festivals (including the wheel of the year events and other festivals such as Roman Lupercalia and Norse Throbolt), which often include group rituals, bonfires, feasts, beach trips, games, and storytelling.
  • Monthly Spell Study: Open Practice Space and Sharing Circle for group meditation, discussion and sharing, or just as a welcome and safe space to individually practice your faith/craft. Some of these sessions are themed while others are unguided. 
  • Socials such as movie nights, themed club nights and well-being walks in natural settings like the New Forest. 

We take part in many collaborative events with other societies throughout the year and are planning volunteering and fundraising events as well as the much-anticipated Spiritual and Wellbeing Fair, trip to Avebury Stones, and Glastonbury and Stonehenge camping trip.

We also strive to improve people’s perceptions of Pagan beliefs, educate our members about the true essence of witchcraft and reduce historical prejudice by working closely with the Faith and Reflection team and holding numerous awareness events throughout the year.


What is Paganism and Witchcraft?

For those who are new to our faith, Pagan is an umbrella term for all Earth-based, polytheistic religions. It includes Asatru (Norse gods), Druidism, Wicca, Slavic Paganism, Ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian Paganism and many more but there’s a similar theme of worshipping nature and multiple deities throughout.

Witchcraft is not a religion, it is a spiritual practice or craft that reveres nature and requires intention, belief and utilises ritual practices to effect positive change in your life. So you can be Atheist, Christian, Pagan, Buddhist or follow any other religion and be a witch.

Our members come from diverse backgrounds with an interest in everything from Celtic Paganism to Asatru, Slavic Paganism to Hellenismos and some are simply curious spiritual students looking for like-minded friends. We are not limited to European paganism and are inclusive of all pagan cultures and witchcraft paths from across the globe, and this year will have sessions on Egyptian paganism and, for Native American Heritage Month, our committee member of Lokono descent will be doing a session on native American religion, the difference between native medicine and witchcraft, and cultural appropriation. We do not speak on what we are not educated on in order to be respectful, but if you are of a faith, culture, or path not represented in our sessions and would like us to do an event around it or you yourself wish to facilitate one, then please feel free to speak to us and we will do our best to facilitate this.

So no matter your experience with Paganism and witchcraft all are welcome in our society as long as you are respectful of other people’s beliefs. We are all happy to share our knowledge, learn and grow together; the more the merrier.

Blessed be!

Key Events

Mabon 21-24th September:

Our first Wheel of the Year festival and the autumnal equinox. Named after the Welsh God and son of Goddess Modron, Mabon is the second harvest and a time of reflection, gratitude and equilibrium as day and night once again reach equal length.

Samhain 31st October-1st November:

The ancient predecessor of Halloween, Samhain is the Gaelic festival celebrating the divide between the end of the summer and the beginning of winter. At this time the veil between worlds is at its thinnest and spirits of the dead are honoured. It is the beginning of the Celtic year and arguably one of the most important of the four Fire Festivals.

Yule 20-23rd December:

For those staying in Bournemouth over the holidays we will be celebrating Yuletide. This begins with the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year when darkness reaches its peak and lasts into the new year. From this time on the days grow longer and the light returns to the world with the return of the sun and rebirth of the Sun God.

Imbolc 2nd February:

This Sabbat marks the beginning of spring. It celebrates the Maiden Goddess, fertility and the birth of new life. It’s a good time for spring cleaning and welcoming new energies into your life whilst sweeping out the old. It’s also a celebration of the Irish Triple Goddess of fire, the hearth, healing, justice, inspiration and creativity, Brighid, also known in Voodoo as the death Loa Maman Brigitte and adopted into Christianity as St. Bridget.

Ostara 19th-22nd March:

The spring equinox, when day and night are of equal length again, is a celebration of the abundant life, fertility and growth that spring brings. It coincides with a Slavic tradition of burning and drowning a doll of the winter Goddess Morana to celebrate the end of winter and welcome the spring.

Beltane 1st May:

Is one of the Four Fire festivals celebrating fertility, vitality and passion. The Sun God, who has entered manhood, falls in love with the Goddess who becomes pregnant. A feast is held to celebrate their union and the Sun Gods coronation. We celebrate with a bonfire, making flower crowns and Maypole dancing.

Litha 21-23rd June:

The summer solstice, also known as Midsummer, celebrates the longest day and the time when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. The Goddess is with child and the Sun God, also now God of the forests, is at the height of his power. After this point the light and Sun Gods power begins to wane as the nights get longer and the dark begins to return.

Lughnasadh 1st August:

Also called Lammas, this is the first of the harvest festivals. Lugh, the Irish name for the Sun God, begins to lose his strength as he enters old age. It’s a time for baking bread from the grain harvested, feasting and giving thanks for the abundance that summer has brought. This will be the last Wheel of the Year festival we celebrate for those who remain in Bournemouth for the summer.

If you miss an event, we'll be uploading recordings of our presentations to our social media and we are working on making a shared, online Book of Shadows/Grimoire with our combined knowledge from several paths which all our members will have access to and giving our paid members access to our wonderful PowerPoints so you can read through the information even if you weren’t able to attend!

Divination Fundraiser: 

Starting the month of November we'll be having a divination fundraiser where we'll read your fortunes in Tarot, Runes, through the pendulum, tea leaves, aura reading/painting, and in the palm of your very hands. So keep an eye on our socials for the when and where you can find us. 

Other events:


Palmistry (reading palms) -  16th, 7pm in Faith and Reflection

Natal Charts and Stargazing - 21st, 6pm Atrium Cafe

Spiritual and Wellbeing Fair - 22nd - all day 10am-3pm in SUBU

Green Witchcraft - 23rd, 6pm in Faith and reflection

When and Where?

Our Wheel of the Year festival celebrations are usually held at Bournemouth beach to the left of the peir 

Our more regular events are usually held on Talbot Campus in Faith and Reflection, Talbot House, on a Tuesday evening. Walks and startgazing meet at Atrium Cafe. Sometime we will need a bigger or diffrent room so do double check as we will occasionally be in Poole House or Fusion.


President:   Luci Phalp

Communications:  Brendan 

Treasurer:  Cora

Health and Safety:  Nika

Shadow Committee: Georgia, Lorna, Harriet

Founded by Elaina Thomas, 2019.




