

Getting a refund for a cancelled or delayed train

If a train is cancelled you are entitled for a full refund. If your journey is more than half an hour late, you usually will be able to get a partial refund aswell. Some train companies fully advertise that trains that are more than 15 minutes late will constitute compensation. An administration charge of up to £10 on each ticket may be made.  You must apply for the refund within 28 days of the expiry of the ticket’s validity.


How to get claim a refund or compensation

If your claim relates to Transport for London and/or the Underground you can submit a claim for a refund via the Transport for London website. Ensure you provide a copy of your train tickets. If it is another service such as Southwest trains, Great Northern Railway etc then please see the train/ bus providers’ website for compensation details. Every company has different comepsation deals however most offer “Delay Repay”.


What if your claim isn’t accepted?

You can take your complaint regarding a train service to the Transport Focus who will make an independent decision on the issue.


Buses and Coaches

In the first instance check out the companies complaints policy on their website and utilise their process. If you have already complained to a bus or coach operator and remain disatisfied, you can contact Bus Users.



The level of compensation you can claim for a delayed flight will depend on where the flight departed from (EU or other) and the length of time you were delayed. You can claim and refund or recieve a replacement flight for a cancelled flight. In some circumstances you may also claim compensation, e.g. your arrival time was delayed by two or more hours or your flight was cancelled at least seven days before departure. The level of compesantion you can claim will depend on the distance of the flight.

If you have already submitting a claim but didn't get what you are entitiled to, you can take you issue to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). You can find out more information via the Citizen Advice website.