





Welcome to the Candidate Hub! This is the one-stop shop for all the information that you will need to help you during the election. Throughout the election period, more information will be added to this page to support you in your journey.

It is great to see that you have an interest in being a Full-Time Officer and want to run in the election. As a student-led charity, our officers lead the direction of the union and have the power to influence change at BU and beyond.

Elections are an exciting time, but we also know that it can be a bit daunting, which is why we are here to support you through the process. This Candidate Hub covers everything you need to know about the process including; the roles available, the key dates, more about applying for the roles, writing an amazing pledge, how to run a fantastic campaign and what is involved in running in an election!

Good luck!

Key Dates


Applications Open

20th January, 10am


Applications Close

14th February, 12pm (Midday)


1st Candidate Briefing

17th February, 5pm


Candidate List Published

17th February, 6pm


Materials Deadline

5th March, 12pm (Midday)


2nd Candidate Briefing 

10th March, 5pm


Start of Campaigning

12th March, 10am


Candidate Q&A

8th March, 3pm






Polls Open

17th March, 10am


Polls Close

20th March, 2pm


Count Conducted

21st March, 12pm


Announcement of Results

 21st March, 6pm

Who Can Run?

All current BU students currently enrolled on a programme of study can stand in the SUBU Elections. SUBU is here to represent all students at BU so we’re searching for students from all walks of life and areas of study. Don’t worry if you don’t think you’ve got the right experience because you’ll receive training for your role.

For Full-Time Officer roles, it doesn’t matter if you are part way through your studies (you may be able to take a year out or do it as your placement) or graduating this year. It doesn’t matter what course or level you are studying at, or if you are a home or international student; all BU students can become a Sabbatical Officer.

You must be able to start full-time employment in early July. If you are still undertaking a programme of study you would be expected to suspend this, unless you are undertaking the role as a placement.

Campaigning 101


Campaigning can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be! We have put together a few pointers to help you get started. 

Planning your campaign

Start at the beginning by making a plan for your campaign. This is a really important step that cannot be missed. You might want to jump straight in with designing posters and talking to students, but first, you need to map out who you are, what you want to achieve, and how you are going to go about achieving this. Create a timeline of key dates and work out what you need to do and when you need to do it. Brainstorm all of your ideas and then workout what you are going to do and when you are going to do it. 

Running a campaign can be a bit like project planning (don't forget to highlight this on your CV and in interviews as real life experience!). As such, productivity tools such as Trello or Notion (or even good old Excel spreadsheets) can be very helpful for both keeping your campaign on track and collaborating digitally with others.


Your Brand

Part of your strategy may include creating a personal brand. You may want to take some time to consider how you can reflect your personality and make-up within all your communications and artwork. Your campaign and brand should represent you in the best light.

Your brand needs to be identifiable and clear. Once you have decided on your brand, stick to it! If your main colour is mint green, keep using the mint green, don’t use any other version of green and keep it all ‘on brand.’ If you have a tagline, keep it consistent and use it on all your advertising. Make them remember you!

Branding take many different shapes and sizes, whether this be tying it to your favourite TV show, coming up with a funny pun or putting your policies and ideas centre stage. You need to make sure that your brand is memorable.

You may also want to tie a slogan into your campaign this should be short and snappy and attract students to your message.


Campaign team

A crucial part of a successful campaign is a team that will help you spread the word. You can ask your housemates, friends from your course, or friends from student groups you are involved in. The more people who are supporting and promoting your campaign, the more students will know who you are and why they should vote for you. There are loads of things your campaign team can do. If they're a wiz at design why not get them to design your posters, or if they're great with a camera why not ask them to film your promotional video. 

Try to arrange a time where you can familiarise them with your policies and campaigns and even put together a rota so you know who will be helping you when. You’ll need to go through the rules with them because you will be responsible for their actions while they are campaigning on your behalf.

Make sure you say thank you to those who help get the word out.


Physical Campaigning

Your physical campaign may be the most daunting part, but it can also be the most fun and engaging tool at your disposal.

A good place to start is simply talking to students. You could ask a lecturer if you could give a shout-out at the start of a lecture, or go into some of the social areas on campus and politely ask if you can have a quick chat. Chat to your course mates, housemates and the person you met that one time, and ask them to talk to their friends and get the word out.

You can also put up posters and handout leaflets on campus. Just make sure that you do not campaign in any of the campaigning free zones.

Beyond posters and leaflets, think what you can do that will stop students in their tracks and makes them pay attention and want to listen to what you have to say. 

You could do an old school flash mob, get your campaign team to come on to campus in fancy dress, recreate a meme, organise an activity for students to get involved with. The possibilities are endless.

If you've got an idea for physical campaigning but you are not sure how to go about it, make sure you reach out to who will be able to provide advice.



Design can be a big part of your campaign and lucky for you creating designs for posters, social media assets and other campaign material has never been easier. There are some really good free or low cost online sites that can help you with this. Here are a few but there are a plethora of other ones out there too:

While these graphic design tools often have a built in free photo library (if not, check out pixabaypexals or unsplash), you will most likely want to feature some of your own photos to get you as a person across to potential voters and provide unique and individual communications, oppose to stock photography.

Make your designs eye catching and distinct through comedy, colour, shape and size.

  • Keep the poster in line with your brand
  • Don’t overcomplicate your design
  • It should include your name, a photo, key policies and slogans
  • Get someone to proof read it

Check out this course on LinkedIn Learning to find out more about how to use Canva.


Social Media 

Start to think about which social media platforms you will want to use for the election you could use Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn or Snapchat. Think about which platforms would target the students you want to vote for you and where you would be most likely to get high engagement. Make sure to use the hashtag #SUBUElects on your posts.

Facebook page - raise your profile and get students to show their support. You can publish your pledges, updates and photos to keep people engaged, and even share live videos throughout the week

Twitter - a great way to communicate with BU students

Instagram - stories are a great way to reach students and you can post key points in your campaign as posters

TikTok - Great for making quick and fun videos 

Consider if you will want to use the social media accounts you already have set up or if you will want to create election specific social media accounts. There are pros and cons to each; with new accounts you’ll need to build up followers in a relatively short time frame but also consider your privacy on existing personal accounts if you open them up to new followers and the student population.

There are good tools out there can help you manage your social media accounts from one dashboard. Hootsuite is probably the best known but other affordable options include BufferSensible and Loomly.

Now that you have the identified the social media platforms you are going to use and your strategy - it is time to start thinking about what content you will populate them with.


  • e-posters and other graphic design elements
  • videos (including easy to do animation)
  • websites, blogs and podcasts
  • sponsored posts
  • direct messaging
  • hosting lives

We recommend flipping through this FutureLearn course.



Candidates are encouraged to film their own videos for the election, they are a great way to interact with students.  You could record a rap, song of film!

You can create as many videos as you like to share yourself but send us your best two with the specifications below and SUBU will promote them on their channels

1. 90 Seconds, Landscape, will be shared on SUBU's YouTube page and on the elections webpage alongside your pledges and picture.

2. 30 Seconds, Portrait, will be shared across SUBU Social Media platforms.


If you want the SU to share your campaign videos they must:

  1. Be submitted by 12pm (Midday) on March 5th
  2. Have no copyrighted background music (you can find copyright free music on YouTube's Audio Library)
  3. Be no longer than 30 and 90 seconds
  4. Filmed in the stated orientation and must stay in the chosen orientation throughout the video
  5. Be sent along with an attached script (this will be used to subtitle the video)
  6. No graphics at the bottom as this is where captions will go

You can film your video and use free software available online, or already downloaded on your computer such as iMovie for Mac users or Movie Maker or Video Editor on PC. You can even download video editing apps from the app store and do it on your phone! You're video must be submitted with a script - without this your video will not be accepted. Please do not subtitle it yourself. 


Video Editing Software



Your campaign photo: 

  • Should be clear and in focus
  • Must be in colour
  • Should be at least 500 pixels wide/tall
  • Must be no larger than 1 MB
  • You should be facing forwardShould not include other people
  • Should not be taken at a high or low angle

For best results:  

  • Avoid harsh lighting/shadows. Take photo outside.
  • Avoid busy backgrounds and text on clothing
  • Keep hands out of photo/away from face
  • Use a recent photo 

Your campaign photos will be used as submitted. We cannot correct lighting/colour on your behalf. If you are unsure about your photo, you can consult for advice.



To ensure all candidates have the same opportunities there are strict budgets that candidates must adhere to. At the end of the campaign period you will need to submit your budget along with receipts and the costs for all expenses incurred throughout the process. You must do this by completing the candidate expenses form that will be uploaded here shortly. In the resources section you'll also be able to find an expenses tracker to help you keep a log of what you've spend as a part of your campaign.

Full-Time Officer Candidates can spend up to £40  which will be refunded by SUBU at the end of the election period.

It is worth thinking out your campaigns expenditure early on so that you can plan your main areas of spending, but also remember that it is not always the candidates who spend the most that win - so use your budget effectively.

You must declare your election expenses to SUBU by 10am on March 18th, this is when you will be reimbursed. You must submit proof of expenses (which can include photos of receipts or screenshots) or be subject to disqualification.

Nominal costs will be applied to items you already own but use primarily for the purpose of the election. Please contact with any queries about nominal costs.

If you are experiencing any financial difficulties, please get in touch with one of the team to discuss how we can support you.


Expenses Tracker

Expenses Submission form


Candidate Materials Submission Form


If you are a candidate running in this election, make sure you submit your candidate  materials before 12pm (Midday) on the 5th March. 


Please upload candidate materials here!



Throughout the election period there are loads of opportunities for you to develop your skills and help you make you campaign the best it can be!


There are currently no events scheduled


Media Pack 


To help you with your digital campaign we have created a resource pack with useful content. This includes the SUBU Logo, Elections QR Code  and two Virtual Backgrounds.


Access the resource pack here




If you have any accessibility needs and require any additional support during the election please do not hesitate to get in touch in order for a member of the team to help.



Standing for election is an exciting experience, but we also recognise that it can be difficult at times, particularly with everything going on in the world right now. That's why it is so important to regularly check in with your mental health and general wellbeing.

The election can be quite an intense time so make sure you are taking care of yourself. Plan something nice to do at the end of the campaign week. Even if you are not elected you will have achieved so much!

  • Make sure that you are getting enough sleep. This is critical to effective functioning and supporting emotional wellbeing. Not everyone will have the same routine, but it's important that you establish one to ensure you are getting enough sleep
  • Make sure you are eating and drinking throughout the day. This can help combat fatigue and sustain energy levels. Use this time to get a break away from screens 
  • If you need to take a break from campaigning, take one! Resting, taking some time for yourself or even spending some time with your friends will make you a stronger candidate. 
  • Take screen breaks! Sitting in one spot for hours on end isn't good for your mind or your body, so make sure you are moving around and taking some time away from the screen (that includes your phone!)
  • Organise your time by mapping out your days and make sure you schedule in breaks and something nice to do in the evenings to de-stress.
  • Keep an organised workspace. Where you can, try to create a workspace away from where you would usually relax, this will help your mind switch off. This could be your kitchen table or desk space in your room. Having a tidy space will help with motivation.
  • Get a change of scenery. It can be difficult to stay motivated when we are in the same spot for hours on end, so go for a walk and get some fresh air to help boost your endorphins
  • Self-care is really important. This can take many different forms whether this is extra sleep, getting fresh air, or watching a movie with your housemates. Make sure you are doing the things that make you feel good.
  • Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone campaigns in their own way, so campaign in the way that feels right for you.
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation. This can help boost your mental well-being. There are plenty of great apps and youtube videos to support this.
  • Seek support if you need it. Having a strong network around you will help you during the elections whether this be to support you in your campaigning, encouraging you to stick to your schedule, or even cooking dinner one night.
  • If you're not close with those you live with use virtual check-ins. Whether it's friends or family it is a great way to feel supported. 
  • Utilise the candidate check-ins to speak to a member of the elections team to see how we can support you.
  • If things do get too much you can always have a chat with the Elections Team, SUBU Advice or BU Student Services

Regulations and complaints


All SUBU elections should be free and fair, which is why we have rules which govern our elections. You can find out more about election regulations as well as viewing the complaints process here.


These Elections are overseen by:

NUS - Returning Officer who is an external, independent advisor, appointed to ensure that the election is run with third party scrutiny and expertise.

Kayleigh Heckford (SUBU) - Deputy Returning Officer who is the first point of contact, responsible for candidate engagement, day to day supervision and management of the election. The RO will be consulted by the DRO whenever they see necessary throughout the process.

Laura Greenwood-Pearsons (Brighton SU) - Independant Elections Adjudictaor who is an external appeals body that is responsible for ruling on appeals.



The guiding principles of all SUBU elections are:

1. The law, University Policies and Union Regulations are all in full force and shall apply to SUBU elections

2. Students must be free to cast their vote without undue pressure or influence

3. Candidates must treat other candidates, students, staff and members of the public with respect

4. Candidates must not undermine the fair and democratic running of elections

5. Candidates must not do anything to gain an unfair advantage

6. Candidates must respect the campus environment and the community


Complaints Process

1. Complaints should be made in a timely manner and as close to the alleged rule break as possible

2. Complaints will be accepted up until one hour prior to the commencement of the count

3. Complaints must be submitted in writing, with additional evidence attached

4. Complaints made informally and without evidence shall not be heard

5. Once a complaint has been received the Returning Officers shall aim to investigate and resolve the complaint by 12pm the following working day

6. A complainant may appeal the decision of the Returning Officers. More information about complaints and appeals may be found in the Union’s bye-laws.

You must submit an elections complaint via this form. 



If you wish to withdraw from being a candidate during the election process please email