
Register your Charity

If you are already registered as a provider please log in below.  If you are unsure of your password, please log in below and you can re-set your password on the next page.

If you're not registered with us then please complete the form below. Once you have completed your organisation details, and received authorisation from SUBU, you will then be able to advertise your volunteering opportunities for free.

Register your organisation

Organisation details
Enter the name of your organisation.
Enter a short description of your organisation. You can add more information once registered.
Organisation contact information
Enter a contact email address for your organisation.
Enter a contact phone number for your organisation.
Enter your organisation's website address.
Primary contact person
You can add further contacts once registered.
Enter the first name of your organisation's primary contact.
Enter the last name of your organisation's primary contact.
Enter your email address. This will be your user ID for the provider area.
Enter a mobile phone number.