Staff Toolkit

This guide is intended to be used by staff members of BU that are responsible for the election of Student Reps. In most cases, this will fall under the responsiblity of the Programme Leader, but sometimes it's the responsibility of Administrators or other relevant staff in the Programme/Department/Faculty. This guide covers the majority of cases we are aware of, but if after reading this guide you feel unsure on how to proceed, please get in contact with and we'll be happy to help.
In a nutshell:
Student Rep Elections are facilitated within the Programme. SUBU trains Student Reps after they register.
Faculty Rep Elections are run by SUBU in our Part-time Officer elections. SUBU Trains Faculty Reps and Officers after they are elected.
w/c Monday 23rd September: Start process of advertising Student Rep role on programmes
w/c Monday 14th October: Elect Student Reps
Friday 18th October: Staff to have submitted elected Reps details to SUBU via spreadsheet.
SUBU to reach out to elected Reps to register and confirm attendance to training/welcome event
Training/Welcome Event
PGR on 31st October 12pm – 1:30pm. Location: Talbot, P222
HSS on 5th November 5:30 – 7pm. Location: Lansdowne, BG-110
BUBS on 6th November 5:30 – 7pm. Location: Talbot, Marconi LT
FST on 7th November 5:30 – 7pm. Location: Talbot, SHARE LT
FMC on 12th November 5:30 – 7pm. Location: Talbot, LEES LT
*Student Reps who are unable to attend their faculty date are welcome to attend another date or complete Online Training.

Student Reps will collect their Purple Hoodie at the Training/Welcome Event.
BU Staff Guide - How to elect a Student Rep:
1: Share this NEW Video with the whole group
This quick video will inform the group what Student Reps are, why we have them at BU, and what they're expected to do. For more formal information about the role you can provide the student with the Student Rep Role Description.
2: Ask the students who would like to run.
Once you have candidates, either collate a short statement from each candidate detailing why they'd like to be elected as a Rep, or allow them time in lecture (online or otherwise) to speak to their fellow students. If there are no candidates in the role, please read this short guide
3. Run in class election.
This could be a simple hands up vote process or use of mentimeter. Please download a mentimeter guide here.
BU have a site license for mentimeter, you can get it for free here.
4: Announce the successful candidate and enter their details in the Faculty Spreadsheet.
SUBU will then contact the Rep and invite them to Register and attend Training/Welcome Event
BUBS Spreadsheet
FST Spreadsheet
FMC Spreadsheet
HSS Spreadsheet
For the PGR Spreadsheet please contact
And for questions please contact the Student Voice & Policy team on