

Welcome to SUBU's Your Idea Platform!

This is where your ideas make real change!


This platform is for submitting ideas for change across SUBU, BU and Beyond. Below you can also vote and comment on other ideas, and popular ideas will be taken to our Student Meetings to decide whether it will become SUBU Policy!


Submit New Idea

Before submitting your idea

Before you submit your idea, consider what it is you want to change. This can be big structural changes or small amendments. They can call for change from within SUBU, BU or even the wider community. Your idea could be action based such as having SUBU lobby the university on an issue or your idea can be more ideological such as supporting a specific group or cause.

You can find out more about Union Policy, as well as viewing the current list of live policies here. Please ensure you look at existing policies before submitting your idea so we can avoid duplicates of policies.  

Please also note the Your Ideas platform is NOT for complaints.  

Example of what IS an Idea: 

For SUBU to lobby BU for lecture and seminar resources to be shared one week in advance.

Example of what IS NOT an Idea: 

Misleading packaging on food sold in SUBU shop.

This is not an Idea as this is something SUBU would action immediately for the health and safety of students. An Idea of this nature would not need to go to a SUBU Summit or Student Members Meeting to be voted upon.  

When submitting your ideas, you’ll be asked to answer the following questions: 

  1. What is the problem or idea? – what do you think needs to change, be amended, be introduced;  keep it concise and relevant and use research/data/feedback where necessary to back up your Idea 

  1. How is your suggested solution? – what steps should SUBU take to achieve this, what is the solution to the problem. 

  1. Which Full-Time Officer you think should lead on it?

    1. President 

    2. VP Education 

    3. VP Student Opportunities 

    4. VP Welfare and Community 

Once you have submitted your idea

We review ideas continously throughout the year, but an idea can only become policy at one of four democratic student meetings. Each meeting usually takes three ideas to be voted on by attendees but this may differ throughout the year. Additionally, some ideas may be easy to implement, already in policy or can be done without the need of an approved policy, in which case we will action these seperately.

Once students submit an idea, other students can vote and comment on this to indicate their support or lack thereof for the proposed ideas. Students will be able to  vote in favour of  the idea or to vote against the idea. Ideas require 15 votes in favour to be moved forwards to the discussions stage. Subsequently, ideas with 15 votes against will be rejected.

SUBU reserves the right to reject any Idea that poses a financial, reputational or legal risk to the Union. SUBU may also reject an idea if it does not align with our student-led and informed strategy found here.

Once an idea achieves the necessary votes the student who submitted the idea will be invited in by a member of the Democracy and Campaigns team to discuss their idea in greater depth, to provide further context and create a draft policy. This draft policy will then be taken to an agenda setting meeting where Officers will discuss and vote on whether to take the motion to either SUBU Summit or Student Members Meeting.  

If the idea is not selected by the committee to go to meeting, it can receive one of two outcomes; Decline – The idea is closed and updated accordingly but can be resubmitted without time penalty OR Revisit – The idea will be on hold and reviewed again before the next SUBU Summit where it will either be selected to go to meeting or will be Declined. 

If an idea that is made presented as a motion at either the SUBU Summit Meeting or Student Members’ Meeting it will be updated on ‘Your Ideas’ accordingly and made into Union Policy. 

All ideas on the platform will be kept updated accordingly .

Your Ideas

  • Ideas 59
  • Submitters 43
  • Last submission 15:27 on 17 Oct 2024
  • Voters 224
  • Commenters 22
  • Current 17
  • Locked 0
  • Passed 13
  • Rejected 4
  • Expired 25

Your Ideas

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  • 24 up votes 0 down votes
    24 voters


      SUBU to lobby BU to make provision of a tab or a counter to show respective students fees status on my HUB. This would allow students to monitor and manage all of their financial obligations with the university as applicable.

      What is your suggested solution?

      Achievable. Students Log into there MyHub Portal with their respective credentials where a tab would be linked to their accounts for finance/fees. They would be able to click on this tab to see their current financial status/obligations with the university without having to wait for the finance teams to update records or confirm payment as this would be linked to the portal and same well monitored by students. Currently, we have had several students being victims to the current system used by the finance team of the university where students make payment and confirmation may take days which may not be updated when an decision/action is to be made by the school making some students fall victim to such a system. This is of practice with other universities in the UK (University of Dundee & University of Portsmouth) to say a few. This should be the standard of a working system.

      Which Full-Time Officer should lead on it?

      SU-President VP-Education
    Zach Braid
    9:08am on 24 Nov 23 Good Morning Gabriel, Please can make amendments to this idea in the 'How do you see this being achieved?' to outline the steps you think should be taken to achieve this policy rather than simply stating you find it to be achievable.
    Ahmed Ola
    11:38am on 20 Jan 24 I support this. It would provide some clarity and transparency for students concerning their school fees. Thank you.
    Zach Braid
    9:41am on 23 Jan 24 This idea has reached the necessary threshold for policy development and consideration. A member of the Democracy and Campaigns team will be in touch to help develop this idea in to a policy submission for consideration. In the the meantime, we ask that students continue to vote to express their views and thoughts on the suggested idea.
    Ernest Nmutaka Chikwendu Chikwendu
    2:36pm on 23 Jan 24 I support this. This will definitely help to resolve the financial issues that a lot of students are facing.
    Godswill Aniefiok Udo
    2:28pm on 24 Jan 24 This is a critical note made. I've been in this puddle and it wasn't a nice experience. I emailed BU fees department for an extension of my fees balance deadline to be moved a bit forward and the mail wasn't attended to even to this day. As a result of their zero response, I felt they were hell bent on sticking to their guns as regards to the deadline that was set which was 11th January, 2024. A couple of days had passed and I didn't hear nothing so I contacted BU through their phone lines and they redirected me to someone who would attend to the fees issue. I lucidly explained to them to disregard my previous email requesting an extension of deadline but to send me an email of how much I had paid and the balance that was left as well as the school's bank details to make a deposit. As a result of their non-cooperativeness at the time, I was forced to seek other non-conventional means of raising the balance. The lady on the phone had emailed the fees team the request and she was promised that they will reach me as soon as possible, well they didn't. I called back after about 40 minutes and I was asked to be patient as this period of fees payments usually has a lot of fees related requests, so I decided to sit back calmly at the bank which I was making the calls from. The bank closed and I went home and never got any email or a call regarding the request I made. Long story short, I found an alternative route to pay my balance but I still have not received an email or a call regarding first; the email I sent, second; the calls I made, and third; the balance I paid. I strongly agree and believe that as helpful as the Brightspace app is in almost our entire student affairs, a fees tab would help solve a lot of these type of queries. Thank you.
    Zach Braid
    9:46am on 1 Feb 24 Good Morning, Our union officers have decided not to take this forward to the upcoming Summit at this time. At this time, this idea is still open to voting from students and has been agreed to be revisited before next Summit to decide whether it will move forward to that summit or will be rejected.